Design. Make. Launch.

Nakuja project aims to build a liquid-fuel rocket to bring small satellites into the orbit.

We are based in Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) in Kenya.


Nakuja project joined the exhibition at the Kenya Space Expo and Conference 2024.

Thank you for visiting our booth.


We successfully launched the N-3.5 rocket with the Kenya Space Agency (KSA).

See the article.


The internship application 2024 batch 2 (May-August) is closed.

Thank you for your applications.

Rocket development in Kenya

We are a university-based amateur rocketry group in Kenya. Our goal is to create a liquid-propellants rocket that can bring nanosatellites into the low earth orbit. The purpose of the project is to nurture the talent to drive the science and technology innovation in the continent.

Low cost and open source

All our code and work proceedings are opensource and available on version control software, GitHub. Since the project is student centred, we strive to ensure all our work is low cost and we utilise all resources available in the school.


The Nakuja project works with the Kenya Space Agency (KSA) that promotes space development in Kenya. KSA has supported us in various activities:

  • Facilitating the launch of our rockets
  • Visiting Broglio Space Center in Malindi to study the ground station facility
  • Allowing us to participate in the Kenya Space Expo and Conference to showcase our collaboration
Launch of the N-3 rocket facilitated by KSA


Our final goal is to launch a liquid propellant rocket to bring nanosatellites into orbit. To progress our project in time, we set a couple of milestones. We developed a series of high power model rockets: N-1, N-2, N-3, and N-3.5. We are also working on the development of a test stand for the liquid rocket engine.


June 2019

Project started


Mar 2020

First firing test of solid rocket motor


May 2021

Launch of N-1 rocket


November 2022

Launch of N-2 rocket



Development of N-3 rocket

Development of Liquid rocket engine test stand


January 2024

Launch of N-3 rocket

May 2024

Launch of N-3.5 rocket

August 2024

Launch of N-4 rocket


First launch of liquid propellant rocket