N4 Flight Software N4
Flight software used for the N4 flight computers
No Matches
main.cpp File Reference

This contains the main driver code for the flight computer. More...

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <TinyGPSPlus.h>
#include <SFE_BMP180.h>
#include <FS.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include <SPIFFS.h>
#include "defs.h"
#include "mpu.h"
#include "SerialFlash.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "data_types.h"
#include "states.h"
#include "system_logger.h"
#include "system_log_levels.h"
#include "wifi-config.h"
#include "kalman_filter.h"
#include "ring_buffer.h"


#define BMP_CHECK_BIT   0
#define IMU_CHECK_BIT   1
#define FLASH_CHECK_BIT   2
#define GPS_CHECK_BIT   3
#define SD_CHECK_BIT   4
#define SPIFFS_CHECK_BIT   5




void initDynamicWIFI ()
 create dynamic WIFI
void drogueChuteDeploy ()
 fires the pyro-charge to deploy the drogue chute Turn on the drogue chute ejection circuit by running the GPIO HIGH for a preset No. of seconds.
Default no. of seconds to remain HIGH is 5
void mainChuteDeploy ()
 fires the pyro-charge to deploy the main chute Turn on the main chute ejection circuit by running the GPIO HIGH for a preset No. of seconds Default no. of seconds to remain HIGH is 5
float kalmanFilter (float z)
 Kalman filter estimated value calculation.
void checkRunTestToggle ()
void non_blocking_buzz (uint16_t interval)
  • non-blocking buzz

void blocking_buzz (uint16_t interval)
 blocking buzz
double altimeter_get_pressure ()
 Read the raw pressure from the altimeter.
void mqtt_command_processor (const char *topic, const char *command)
 process commands sent from the base station
void arm_pyros ()
void disarm_pyros ()
HardwareSerial gpsSerial (2)
PubSubClient client (wifi_client)
uint8_t MQTTInit (const char *broker_IP, uint16_t broker_port)
void buzzerInit ()
 initialize Buzzer
void LED_init ()
uint8_t InitSPIFFS ()
 initialize SPIFFS for event logging during flight
uint8_t initSD ()
 initilize SD card
uint8_t BMPInit ()
 Initialize BMP180 barometric sensor.
uint8_t GPSInit ()
 Initialize the GPS connected on Serial2.
void readAccelerationTask (void *pvParameter)
 Read acceleration data from the accelerometer.
void readAltimeterTask (void *pvParameters)
 Read atm pressure data from the barometric sensor onboard.
void readGPSTask (void *pvParameters)
 Read the GPS location data and altitude and append to telemetry packet for transmission.
void kalmanFilterTask (void *pvParameters)
 Filter data using the Kalman Filter.
void checkFlightState (void *pvParameters)
 check various condition from flight data to change the flight state
void flightStateCallback (void *pvParameters)
 performs flight actions based on the current flight state
void debugToTerminalTask (void *pvParameters)
 debug flight/test data to terminal, this task is called if the DEBUG_TO_TERMINAL is set to 1 (see defs.h)
void logToMemory (void *pvParameter)
 log the data to the external flash memory
void MQTT_TransmitTelemetry (void *pvParameters)
 send flight data to ground
void MQTT_Reconnect ()
 Try reconnecting to MQTT if connection is lost.
void mqtt_Callback (char *topic, byte *payload, unsigned int length)
void MQTTInit (const char *broker_IP, int broker_port)
 Initialize MQTT.
void xOperationModeIndicateTask (void *pvParameters)
 blinks green LED for safe mode and red LED for armed mode
void xCreateAllTasks ()
void setup ()
 Setup - perform initialization of all hardware subsystems, create queues, create queue handles initialize system check table.
void loop ()
 Main loop.


uint8_t operation_mode = 0
uint8_t STATE_BIT_MASK = 0
TinyGPSPlus gps
char gps_buffer [20]
gps_type_t gps_packet
const char * system_log_file = "/event_log.txt"
const char * rocket_ID = "FC1"
uint8_t is_safe_mode = OPERATION_MODE::SAFE_MODE
unsigned long current_non_block_time = 0
unsigned long last_non_block_time = 0
bool buzz_state = 0
uint8_t mqtt_connect_flag
uint8_t SUBSYSTEM_INIT_MASK = 0b00000000
WiFiClient wifi_client
WIFIConfig wifi_config
uint8_t drogue_pyro = 25
uint8_t main_pyro = 12
uint8_t flash_cs_pin = 5
uint8_t remote_switch = 27
uint8_t flash_led_pin = 32
char filename [] = "flight_data.txt"
uint32_t FILE_SIZE_512K = 524288L
uint32_t FILE_SIZE_1M = 1048576L
uint32_t FILE_SIZE_4M = 4194304L
SerialFlashFile file
unsigned long long previous_log_time = 0
unsigned long long current_log_time = 0
uint16_t log_sample_interval = 5
DataLogger data_logger (flash_cs_pin, RED_LED_PIN, filename, file, FILE_SIZE_4M)
long long current_time = 0
long long previous_time = 0
char telemetry_packet_buffer [256]
ring_buffer altitude_ring_buffer
double baseline = 0.0
float curr_val
float oldest_val
uint8_t apogee_flag =0
uint8_t main_eject_flag = 0
TaskHandle_t readAccelerationTaskHandle
TaskHandle_t readAltimeterTaskHandle
TaskHandle_t readGPSTaskHandle
TaskHandle_t clearTelemetryQueueTaskHandle
TaskHandle_t checkFlightStateTaskHandle
TaskHandle_t flightStateCallbackTaskHandle
TaskHandle_t MQTT_TransmitTelemetryTaskHandle
TaskHandle_t kalmanFilterTaskHandle
TaskHandle_t debugToTerminalTaskHandle
TaskHandle_t logToMemoryTaskHandle
TaskHandle_t opModeIndicateTaskHandle
accel_type_t acc_data
gyro_type_t gyro_data
gps_type_t gps_data
altimeter_type_t altimeter_data
telemetry_type_t telemetry_packet
SFE_BMP180 altimeter
double altimeter_temperature = 0.0
altimeter_type_t altimeter_packet
QueueHandle_t telemetry_data_queue_handle
QueueHandle_t log_to_mem_queue_handle
QueueHandle_t check_state_queue_handle
QueueHandle_t debug_to_term_queue_handle
QueueHandle_t kalman_filter_queue_handle

Detailed Description

This contains the main driver code for the flight computer.

Edwin Mwiti
July 15 2024

0x5765206D6179206D616B65206F757220706C616E73202C 0x62757420476F642068617320746865206C61737420776F7264

Enumeration Type Documentation


flight states these states are to be used for flight

Function Documentation

◆ altimeter_get_pressure()

double altimeter_get_pressure ( )

Read the raw pressure from the altimeter.

◆ BMPInit()

uint8_t BMPInit ( )

Initialize BMP180 barometric sensor.

TODO: 1 if init OK, 0 otherwise

◆ checkFlightState()

void checkFlightState ( void * pvParameters)

check various condition from flight data to change the flight state

◆ checkRunTestToggle()

void checkRunTestToggle ( )

Check the toggle pin for TESTING or RUN mode

◆ debugToTerminalTask()

void debugToTerminalTask ( void * pvParameters)

debug flight/test data to terminal, this task is called if the DEBUG_TO_TERMINAL is set to 1 (see defs.h)

pvParameter- A value that is passed as the parameter to the created task. If pvParameter is set to the address of a variable then the variable must still exist when the created task executes - so it is not valid to pass the address of a stack variable.

record number operation_mode state ax ay az pitch roll gx gy gz latitude longitude gps_altitude pressure temperature altitude_agl velocity

◆ drogueChuteDeploy()

void drogueChuteDeploy ( )

fires the pyro-charge to deploy the drogue chute Turn on the drogue chute ejection circuit by running the GPIO HIGH for a preset No. of seconds.
Default no. of seconds to remain HIGH is 5

◆ flightStateCallback()

void flightStateCallback ( void * pvParameters)

performs flight actions based on the current flight state

If the flight state requires an action, we perform it here For example if the flight state is apogee, we perform MAIN_CHUTE ejection

◆ GPSInit()

uint8_t GPSInit ( )

Initialize the GPS connected on Serial2.

1 if init OK, 0 otherwise

FIXME: Proper GPS init check! Look into if the GPS has acquired a LOCK on satelites Only if it has a lock then can we return a 1

◆ kalmanFilterTask()

void kalmanFilterTask ( void * pvParameters)

Filter data using the Kalman Filter.

◆ logToMemory()

void logToMemory ( void * pvParameter)

log the data to the external flash memory

pvParameter- A value that is passed as the paramater to the created task. If pvParameter is set to the address of a variable then the variable must still exist when the created task executes - so it is not valid to pass the address of a stack variable.

◆ loop()

void loop ( )

Main loop.

◆ mainChuteDeploy()

void mainChuteDeploy ( )

fires the pyro-charge to deploy the main chute Turn on the main chute ejection circuit by running the GPIO HIGH for a preset No. of seconds Default no. of seconds to remain HIGH is 5

◆ mqtt_command_processor()

void mqtt_command_processor ( const char * topic,
const char * command )

process commands sent from the base station


◆ MQTT_TransmitTelemetry()

void MQTT_TransmitTelemetry ( void * pvParameters)

send flight data to ground

pvParameter- A value that is passed as the parameter to the created task. If pvParameter is set to the address of a variable then the variable must still exist when the created task executes - so it is not valid to pass the address of a stack variable.


record number operation_mode state ax ay az pitch roll gx gy gz latitude longitude gps_altitude pressure temperature relative_altitude

◆ MQTTInit()

void MQTTInit ( const char * broker_IP,
int broker_port )

Initialize MQTT.

◆ readAccelerationTask()

void readAccelerationTask ( void * pvParameter)

Read acceleration data from the accelerometer.

pvParameters- A value that is passed as the paramater to the created task. If pvParameters is set to the address of a variable then the variable must still exist when the created task executes - so it is not valid to pass the address of a stack variable.
Updates accelerometer data struct on the telemetry queue

◆ readAltimeterTask()

void readAltimeterTask ( void * pvParameters)

Read atm pressure data from the barometric sensor onboard.

◆ readGPSTask()

void readGPSTask ( void * pvParameters)

Read the GPS location data and altitude and append to telemetry packet for transmission.

pvParameters- A value that is passed as the paramater to the created task. If pvParameters is set to the address of a variable then the variable must still exist when the created task executes - so it is not valid to pass the address of a stack variable.

◆ setup()

void setup ( )

Setup - perform initialization of all hardware subsystems, create queues, create queue handles initialize system check table.

◆ xOperationModeIndicateTask()

void xOperationModeIndicateTask ( void * pvParameters)

blinks green LED for safe mode and red LED for armed mode

Variable Documentation

◆ acc_data

accel_type_t acc_data

///////////////////////// DATA TYPES /////////////////////////

◆ current_log_time

unsigned long long current_log_time = 0

What is the processor time right now?

◆ current_state


The starting state - we start at PRE_FLIGHT_GROUND state

◆ file

SerialFlashFile file

object representing file object for flash memory


uint32_t FILE_SIZE_1M = 1048576L



uint32_t FILE_SIZE_4M = 4194304L



uint32_t FILE_SIZE_512K = 524288L


◆ filename

char filename[] = "flight_data.txt"

data log filename - Filename must be less than 20 chars, including the file extension

◆ flash_cs_pin

uint8_t flash_cs_pin = 5

External flash memory chip select pin

◆ flash_led_pin

uint8_t flash_led_pin = 32

LED pin connected to indicate flash memory formatting

◆ imu


///////////////////////// END OF DATA VARIABLES ///////////////////////// create an MPU6050 object 0x68 is the address of the MPU set gyro to max deg to 1000 deg/sec set accel fs reading to 16g

◆ log_sample_interval

uint16_t log_sample_interval = 5

After how long should we sample and log data to flash memory?

◆ operation_mode

uint8_t operation_mode = 0

Tells whether software is in safe or flight mode - FLIGHT_MODE=1, SAFE_MODE=0

◆ previous_log_time

unsigned long long previous_log_time = 0

The last time we logged data to memory

◆ readAccelerationTaskHandle

TaskHandle_t readAccelerationTaskHandle

Task creation handles

◆ rocket_ID

const char* rocket_ID = "FC1"

Unique ID of the rocket. Change to the needed rocket name before uploading

◆ telemetry_data_queue_handle

QueueHandle_t telemetry_data_queue_handle

///////////////////////// END OF PERIPHERALS INIT /////////////////////////

◆ wifi_client

WiFiClient wifi_client

MQTT helper instances, if using MQTT to transmit telemetry